Watson Fothergill Walk… from the comfort of your own home!
This year I haven’t been able to take as many people as I would have liked out on the Watson Fothergill Walk… but I have been able to take more photos of some of Nottingham’s most interesting Victorian buildings.
So I’m delighted to present an online version of the tour – The Watson Fothergill Virtual Walk! I’ve picked my favourite buildings to put together a live online version and I hope you will be able to join me zia Zoom.
The first of these will be on Thursday 3 December at 7pm and tickets are £5 (plus a small booking fee). I hope to add more dates so get in touch and let me know if you’d like to take part.

Gift Vouchers
When it becomes possible to lead tour groups again (in 2021) I will be planning lots more walk dates.
Meanwhile you can buy gift vouchers which can be exchanged for tickets (via Eventbrite).

Online talks for groups
If you have a group like talks on interesting subjects, I am now able to offer the Watson Fothergill Virtual Walk as a private illustrated Zoom talk. Reasonable rates! Get in touch for more details.
Hope to “see” you soon!