Tickets have just been released for a raft of new dates in June and July!
Tickets for the following walks are now on sale:
The Carrington Crawl, 26 June 2021, 1 pm – 2 returns now available!
(with added access to Clawson Lodge thanks to The Ukrainian Cultural Centre).
A look at the domestic architecture of Watson Fothergill and his chief assistant L.G. Summers in Mapperley Park, Sherwood Rise and Carrington (with tea and coffee available at Clawson Lodge and a chance to look around inside) 2 hours/ 3km.

Watson Fothergill Walk – 27 June 2021, 10 am The original city centre walk, looking at the flamboyant Victorian architecture of Watson Fothergill, also known as Fothergill Watson! 2hrs/ 2km.

An evening Watson Fothergill Walk – 1 July 2021, 6 pm
An evening version of the city centre walk, with a chance to stop off at Fothergill’s pub at the end. 2hrs/2km.

Watson Fothergill Walk – 18 July 2021, 10 am
The original city centre walk with a look at the architecture of Watson Fothergill. 2hrs/2km.

Hine Hike: The Buildings of Thomas Chambers Hine – 25 July 2021, 10 am
A look at some of the work of another architect who made a big impact on Victorian Nottingham – Thomas Chambers Hine. 2hrs/3km

Tickets for all walks are £15 each and numbers are limited to 12 people per tour (for now!)
Lucy is also available during the week for private tours for small groups so please email if you have a group of friends or family who would enjoy discovering Nottingham from a new angle!