Forthcoming walks now booking
April is getting booked up with several private walks, talks to local groups and new ventures with primary school pupils and students looking at history and tour guiding. Thanks everyone for spreading the word!
The Carrington Crawl for Ukraine sold out – donations clocked up at over £390 – huge thanks to everyone who donated or enquired about the DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal. You can still donate here.
There are some tickets available for the Debbie Bryan Watson Fothergill Walk on 8 May, start 10am, now with the option of Afternoon Tea or Cream Tea after the walk, tickets here.

June sees an afternoon Watson Fothergill Walk on Sunday 12 June, start 2 pm and an evening Watson Fothergill Walk on Thursday 23 June, start 6 pm.

Tickets to all events are available on Eventbrite.