The next Watson Fothergill Virtual Walk event will be an illustrated online talk, via Zoom, on 8 February at 7pm. Ticket holders can watch live or have access to a recording after the event. Tickets are available on Eventbrite for £5 (plus a small booking fee).

I’ve been working on this for a while, looking for stories about Fothergill’s family who lived in Mansfield and the buildings he designed for the town in the early part of his career. Several buildings still remain but they might not be as obvious as the ones we are familiar with in Nottingham City Centre.
Join me to look for traces of Fothergill in his home town and to learn about the family connections that lead to his career as an architect taking off in the 1870s… Fothergill’s Buildings in Mansfield, 7pm, 8 February 2022 This is an online event.