I've set a date for the first Watson Fothergill Walk: 24th June 2018, 11am. Here's the Eventbrite ticket page - limited numbers available. TICKETS You may also book your tickets directly through Facebook if that's your thing: Watson Fothergill Walk on Facebook. Please join me to test the format!
Fothergill Watson / Watson Fothergill: One Architect, Two Names
Nottingham's most famous Victorian architect Watson Fothergill (or as he was known for the first 50 or so years of his life, Fothergill Watson) produced some of the city's most eye catching and idyosyncratic buldings. I want to take you on a tour of some of the best of them, and learn more about the… Continue reading Fothergill Watson / Watson Fothergill: One Architect, Two Names