
The return of The Hine Hike & September dates

September 2020 sees the return of The Hine Hike - my tour looking at the buildings of Thomas Chambers Hine, another architect who had a big impact on Victorian Nottingham. The first date will be Thursday 10 September, 2pm. Tickets are £12 each. All tours operate with reduced numbers and social distancing measures in place.… Continue reading The return of The Hine Hike & September dates

Events, Watson Fothergill in Nottingham

Watson Fothergill Walk – BACK FOR AUGUST 2020!

At last! The walks are returning with added social distancing! Having completed the preparation for Visit England's We're Good To Go mark, I am now delighted to invite groups of up to 5 people (maximum groups are 6 so that includes your guide!) to accompany me on The Watson Fothergill Walk, tour of Nottingham city… Continue reading Watson Fothergill Walk – BACK FOR AUGUST 2020!

Events, Watson Fothergill in Nottingham

Dates for June 2019

More dates for my walks are now booking as follows: The Hine Hike, an evening walk exploring some of the Nottingham buildings of the Victorian architect Thomas Chambers Hine, will take place on Wednesday 5th June 2019, starting at 6pm. Tickets are £12, available here. The Hine Hike: 5 June 2019, tickets here. There will… Continue reading Dates for June 2019


More Walks with Debbie Bryan

My collaboration with Debbie Bryan continues with two more walks scheduled... Tickets for 23 August, 2pm on EVENTBRITE This is an afternoon walk, with tea (or coffee) and cake at Debbie Bryan at the conclusion. There will be another walk with a morning start on 30 September, 10am. Tickets on EVENTBRITE. I hope that you… Continue reading More Walks with Debbie Bryan


Fothergill Watson / Watson Fothergill: One Architect, Two Names

Nottingham's most famous Victorian architect Watson Fothergill (or as he was known for the first 50 or so years of his life, Fothergill Watson) produced some of the city's most eye catching and idyosyncratic buldings. I want to take you on a tour of some of the best of them, and learn more about the… Continue reading Fothergill Watson / Watson Fothergill: One Architect, Two Names