Events, Watson Fothergill in Nottingham

Dates for July 2019

July sees the 178th anniversary of Fothergill's birth, so it seems fitting to offer more chances to explore his Nottingham buildings on The Watson Fothergill Walk. The next dates will be two walks on 21 July 2019: Join Lucy to explore Watson Fothergill's Nottingham, includes tea or coffee and cake at Debbie Bryan. Tickets here.… Continue reading Dates for July 2019

Events, Watson Fothergill in Nottingham

New Evening Walk, 16 May 2019

As the walks have been selling out (thanks everyone!) I've added a new date for the evening edition of the Watson Fothergill Walk. This one will begin at 6pm on 16 May 2019. Tickets are available here. Tickets available here. Join me to explore the distinctive buildings of this most singular Nottingham architect. The walk… Continue reading New Evening Walk, 16 May 2019

Events, Lace Market, Thomas Chambers Hine, Watson Fothergill in Nottingham

New Dates Added in April

I've had such a great response to the walks so far - thank you everyone who has booked or spread the word! I have a number of new events coming up... Lucy throwing some shapes on Broadway! Photo: Stravros Pouricas @stavraki_notts Sunday 31st March, 1pm - Mother's Day Heritage Tour a short look around the… Continue reading New Dates Added in April

Events, Lace Market

Mother’s Day Heritage Tour 31st March 2019

Debbie Bryan has invited me to run a short walk exploring Nottingham's Lace Market as part of her programme of Mother's Day events on Sunday 31st March 2019. Out and about in the Lace Market looking for Beauty in the Details. This walk will be a slightly expanded version of the Beauty in the Details… Continue reading Mother’s Day Heritage Tour 31st March 2019

Events, Influences, Thomas Chambers Hine

Thomas Chambers Hine: The Hine Hike!

I am trying out a new walk exploring the architecture of Thomas Chambers Hine, the other big name behind some of the most impressive Victorian buildings in Nottingham. This first walk will be a "work in progress" and I'll be looking for your feedback at the end of the route. Come and help me test… Continue reading Thomas Chambers Hine: The Hine Hike!

Events, Watson Fothergill in Nottingham

Afternoon Walk Added in April

The morning walk on 28th April 2019 is very nearly sold out so I have added an afternoon session startng at 1pm. Tickets are available on Eventbrite price £12 each, tickets include hot drinks and cake at Debbie Bryan after the walk.


Stop Press: Sunday Walk Added. Beauty In The Details: Lace Market Tour

Thanks to everyone who came to Beeston Library for my "Virtual" Watson Fothergill Walk. I had some great feedback on the talk and I really enjoyed it. I hope I can do some more talks in this format as it's a good way to experience part of the tour without the walking (and I get… Continue reading Stop Press: Sunday Walk Added. Beauty In The Details: Lace Market Tour


Beauty In The Details: Christmas Edition!

I'm planning to do some more of my short walks in the Lace Market with Debbie Bryan in December. The walk takes place at 2pm on 7th December, with a look at the architecture and history of St Mary's Gate. These tours will be similar to the Heritage Open Days tours that took place in… Continue reading Beauty In The Details: Christmas Edition!